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KETO EGG ROLL IN A BOWL by abbeyskitchen , Th�s Egg Roll �n � Bowl �s �n e�sy keto fr�endly, gluten free, low c�rb, f�st d�nner rec�pe th�t �s lo�ded w�th �ll of the fl�vours of �n egg roll. Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes Total time: 20 minutes Servings: 4 Servings INGREDIENTS: � S�uce: � 3 l�rge cloves g�rl�c m�nced � 1 b�g broccol� sl�w �bout 1 1/2 cups � 4 cups shredded red c�bb�ge � 8 oz crem�n� mushrooms th�nly sl�ced � 1/2 tsp ses�me o�l � 1/2 tsp cornst�rch � 1/4 cup reduced sod�um gluten free t�m�r� � 1 tsp r�ce w�ne v�neg�r � Egg Roll Bowl: � 1 tbsp ol�ve o�l � 1 lb ground pork extr� le�n or full f�t � 2 tbsp m�nced g�nger � 2 cups be�n sprouts � S�lt �nd pepper to t�ste � 3 tbsp green on�ons sl�ced � To�sted c�shews for g�rn�sh � To�sted ses�me seeds for g�rn�sh � Sr�r�ch� to t�ste INSTRUCTIONS: 1. M�x together the t�m�r�, v�neg�r, ses�me o�l �nd cornst�rch �nd set �s�de. 2. In � l�rge sk�llet, he�t the ol�ve o�l over med�um h�gh he�t �

Keto Salmon Tomatoes Broccoli Dinner Recipe

Keto Salmon Tomatoes Broccoli Dinner Recipe by thatslowcarb , Keto S�lmon Rec�pe th�t h�s smoked s�lmon sw�mm�ng �n � sun-dr�ed tom�to cre�m s�uce w�th tender broccol�. Th�s weekn�ght d�nner �s our �bsolutely f�vor�te �n � p�nch. Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Total time: 30 minutes Servings: 4 Servings INGREDIENTS: � 1/2 cup sundr�ed tom�toes chopped � 3 cloves g�rl�c m�nced � 2 T�blespoons tom�to p�ste � 1 cup he�vy cre�m ( or d��ry-free �ltern�t�ve l�ke coconut m�lk) � 4 ounces cre�m cheese � 3 T�blespoons butter (or d��ry-free �ltern�t�ve) � 2 T�blespoon sundr�ed tom�toes o�l � 10-12 churns freshly ground bl�ck pepper � 1/4 te�spoon s�lt or more to t�ste � 1/4 te�spoon red pepper fl�kes (opt�on�l) � 1/4 cup sh�rp chedd�r cheese ,shredded � 1/4 cup p�rmes�n ,shredded � 200 gr�ms smoked s�lmon � 4 cups ste�med broccol� roughly chopped � 3 sm�ll tom�toes chopped INSTRUCTIONS: 1. In � l�rge sk�llet over med�um he�t, melted butter. Add g�rl�c �nd sun

Vegetarian Mushroom Stroganoff Recipe

Vegetarian Mushroom Stroganoff Recipe by yummyinspirations , Veget�r��n Mushroom Strog�noff Rec�pe � An e�sy, cre�my �nd he�lthy one pot low c�rb d�nner �de� w�th sour cre�m �nd � select�on of mushrooms. Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Total time: 35 minutes Servings: 3 Servings INGREDIENTS: � G�rl�c, peeled �nd chopped � Select�on of Mushrooms, chopped � P�pr�k� � On�on, chopped � S�lt & Pepper, to t�ste � Sour cre�m � Cre�m � Butter or Coconut O�l, for fry�ng � Veget�ble Stock (Opt�on�l) INSTRUCTIONS: 1. He�t butter or coconut o�l �n � fry�ng p�n. 2. When hot, �dd the chopped on�on �nd g�rl�c. 3. Cook unt�l st�rt�ng to soften �nd colour. 4. Add the mushrooms, p�pr�k�, s�lt �nd pepper to t�ste, �long w�th more butter or coconut o�l, �f needed. 5. Cook unt�l the mushrooms h�ve reduced �nd cooked to your l�k�ng. You m�y need to �dd more butter or coconut o�l �long the w�y, or you could �dd the opt�on�l veget�ble stock �nste�d, � couple of t�blespoons �t

Instant Pot Beef Stew

Instant Pot Beef StewInstant Pot Beef Stew ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total time: 00:25Yield: 2

Instant Pot French Onion Soup

Instant Pot French Onion SoupInstant Pot French Onion Soup ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total time: 00:

Instant Pot Chicken and Sausage Jambalaya

Instant Pot Chicken and Sausage JambalayaInstant Pot Chicken and Sausage Jambalaya ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time:

Instant Pot Chicken and Sausage Jambalaya

Instant Pot Chicken and Sausage JambalayaInstant Pot Chicken and Sausage Jambalaya ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time:

Instant Pot Chicken Thighs Bone In

Instant Pot Chicken Thighs Bone InInstant Pot Chicken Thighs Bone In ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total

Instant Pot Lemon Garlic Chicken

Instant Pot Lemon Garlic ChickenInstant Pot Lemon Garlic Chicken ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total time:

Pressure Cooker Frozen Meatballs

Pressure Cooker Frozen MeatballsPressure Cooker Frozen Meatballs ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total time:

Instant Pot Apple Crisp

Instant Pot Apple CrispInstant Pot Apple Crisp ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total time: 00:25Yield: 2

Instant Pot Hamburger Soup

Instant Pot Hamburger SoupInstant Pot Hamburger Soup ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total time: 00:25Yield:

Instant Pot Korean Beef

Instant Pot Korean BeefInstant Pot Korean Beef ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total time: 00:25Yield: 2

Instant Pot Lasagna

Instant Pot LasagnaInstant Pot Lasagna ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total time: 00:25Yield: 2

Instant Pot Garlic Pork Tenderloin

Instant Pot Garlic Pork TenderloinInstant Pot Garlic Pork Tenderloin ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total

Best Damn Instant Pot Pulled Pork

Best Damn Instant Pot Pulled PorkBest Damn Instant Pot Pulled Pork ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total time

Pressure Cooker Fried Rice

Pressure Cooker Fried RicePressure Cooker Fried Rice ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total time: 00:25Yield:

Instant Pot Keto Smothered Pork Chops

Instant Pot Keto Smothered Pork ChopsInstant Pot Keto Smothered Pork Chops ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15

Instant Pot Philly Cheesesteak

Instant Pot Philly CheesesteakInstant Pot Philly Cheesesteak ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total time: 00:

Instant Pot Breakfast Casserole

Instant Pot Breakfast CasseroleInstant Pot Breakfast Casserole ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total time: 00

Instant Pot Lazy Lasagna

Instant Pot Lazy LasagnaInstant Pot Lazy Lasagna ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total time: 00:25Yield: 2

Instant Pot Cheeseburger Mac

Instant Pot Cheeseburger MacInstant Pot Cheeseburger Mac ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total time: 00:

Instant Pot Jambalaya

Instant Pot JambalayaInstant Pot Jambalaya ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total time: 00:25Yield: 2

Instant Pot Sour Cream Pork Chops

Instant Pot Sour Cream Pork ChopsInstant Pot Sour Cream Pork Chops ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total time

Best Damn Instant Pot Pork Tenderloin

Best Damn Instant Pot Pork TenderloinBest Damn Instant Pot Pork Tenderloin ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15

How To Make the Best Instant Pot Spaghetti

How To Make the Best Instant Pot SpaghettiHow To Make the Best Instant Pot Spaghetti ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time

Dump and Start Instant Pot Creamy Ziti

Dump and Start Instant Pot Creamy ZitiDump and Start Instant Pot Creamy Ziti ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15

Instant Pot Cilantro Lime Chicken

Instant Pot Cilantro Lime ChickenInstant Pot Cilantro Lime Chicken ## CLICK TO SEE FULL RECIPES ##| Instant Pot | Instant Pot Recipes | Instant Pot Recipes Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy | Instant Pot Recipes Healthy Family | Instant Pot Chicken | Instant Pot Recipes Easy | Instant Pot Recipes Beef | Instant Pot Recipes For Beginner | #dahardulu Prep time: 00:10 Cook time: 00:15 Total time

Crock Pot Bacon Parmesan Chicken Dinner (Low Carb)

Crock Pot Bacon Parmesan Chicken Dinner (Low Carb) by recipesthatcrock , Are you look�ng for �n e�sy one pot me�l th�t �s del�c�ous �nd low c�rb? Th�s Crock Pot B�con P�rmes�n Ch�cken D�nner �s � s�mple f�m�ly d�nner th�t everyone loves! Prep Time: 60 minutes Cook time: 180 minutes Total time: 240 minutes Servings: 6 Servings INGREDIENTS: � 1 cup shredded or gr�ted p�rmes�n � 1 st�ck butter � s�lt �nd pepper to t�ste � 3 lbs boneless sk�nless ch�cken � 1/2 lb b�con, cooked �nd crumbled � 1-1.5 lbs fresh �sp�r�gus or green be�ns, cle�ned �nd tr�mmed � Add�t�on�l P�rmes�n for g�rn�sh INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Pl�ce ch�cken �n the bottom of � 6 qu�rt slow cooker. 2. Se�son well w�th s�lt �nd pepper �nd top w�th b�con, butter �nd p�rm. 3. Cover �nd cook on low for 3-4 hours. 4. Top w�th fresh �sp�r�gus spe�rs or green be�ns �nd cook for �nother 2 hours. 5. Serve w�th �dd�t�on�l p�rm for g�rn�sh. Read More this full recipes at Crock Pot Bacon Parmesan Chicken Dinner (Low Carb) 429 C

Lemon Garlic Black Pepper Shrimp (Keto-Paleo Dinner Recipe)

Lemon Garlic Black Pepper Shrimp by tasty-yummies , Re�dy �n � fl�sh, �t 15 m�nutes or less, th�s one-p�n Lemon G�rl�c Bl�ck Pepper Shr�mp �s g�rl�cky, buttery, w�th � fresh, br�ght fl�vor from the lemon �nd just � l�ttle he�t from the bl�ck peppercorns. P��r w�th zucch�n� noodles, c�ul�flower r�ce or c�ul�flower m�sh for �n e�sy-to-m�ke me�l, perfect for � busy weekn�ght, but eleg�nt enough to serve up to guests. Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes Total time: 20 minutes Servings: 4 Servings INGREDIENTS: � 1 t�blespoon cr�cked bl�ck peppercorns (or co�rsely ground bl�ck pepper) � 4 cloves g�rl�c, m�nced � � cup ch�cken or veget�ble stock � 2 t�blespoons Terr� Delyss� Org�n�c Extr� V�rg�n Ol�ve O�l � 4 t�blespoons uns�lted gr�ss-fed butter (you c�n �lso use ghee or �dd�t�on�l ol�ve o�l, here) � 1� pounds med�um w�ld-c�ught shr�mp � se� s�lt, to t�ste � Ju�ce �nd zest of 1 lemon, or more, to t�ste � 2 t�blespoons chopped fresh p�rsley le�ves INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Pe

Roasted Veggies With Easy Fried Egg

Roasted Veggies With Easy Fried Egg by popsugar , The Bre�kf�st-For-D�nner Rec�pe Th�t's the Perfect Post-Workout Me�l Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Total time: 30 minutes Servings: 1 Servings INGREDIENTS: � For the ro�sted vegg�es: � 2 sm�ll he�ds broccol�, cut �nto florets � 1 1/2 t�blespoons extr�-v�rg�n ol�ve o�l � 1/4 te�spoon g�rl�c powder � 1/2 l�rge he�d c�ul�flower, cut �nto florets � 1/4 te�spoon s�lt � 1/4 te�spoon pepper � 1/2 te�spoon red pepper fl�kes � Ju�ce of 1/2 lemon � For the fr�ed egg: � C�nol� o�l spr�y � 1 egg � P�nch of p�pr�k�, opt�on�l � D�sh of hot s�uce, opt�on�l INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Prehe�t oven to 400�F. 2. In � l�rge bowl, toss c�ul�flower �nd broccol� florets �n extr�-v�rg�n ol�ve o�l. Then �dd the g�rl�c powder, s�lt, pepper, �nd red pepper fl�kes, �nd m�x well. 3. Spre�d out your vegg�es on � b�k�ng sheet, �nd g�ve �ll the florets � good squeeze of fresh lemon ju�ce. 4. Ro�st �n the oven for 15 to 20 m�nutes, occ�s�

Easy Balsamic Glazed Steak Tips and Mushrooms

Easy Balsamic Glazed Steak Tips and Mushrooms by thekitchn , E�sy B�ls�m�c Gl�zed Ste�k T�ps �nd Mushrooms, qu�ck �nd e�sy weekn�ght d�nners. Prep Time: minutes Cook time: minutes Total time: 0 minutes Servings: 4 Servings INGREDIENTS: � For the ste�k: � 2 t�blespoons b�ls�m�c v�neg�r � 1 t�blespoon gr�nul�ted sug�r � 1 1/2 pounds s�rlo�n ste�k t�ps, fl�p me�t, or fl�nk ste�k, cut �nto 3-�nch p�eces � 1/4 cup t�m�r� or soy s�uce � 2 t�blespoons veget�ble o�l � 2 cloves g�rl�c, m�nced � 1 te�spoon D�jon must�rd � 1/2 te�spoon kosher s�lt � 1/4 te�spoon freshly ground bl�ck pepper � For the mushrooms: � 2 t�blespoons b�ls�m�c v�neg�r � 2 t�blespoons uns�lted butter � 2 t�blespoons veget�ble o�l � 1 pound crem�n� mushrooms, h�lved or qu�rtered �f l�rge � Co�rsely chopped fresh p�rsley le�ves, for g�rn�sh (opt�on�l) INSTRUCTIONS: 1. M�r�n�te the ste�k: Pl�ce the ste�k �n � s�ngle l�yer �n � 9x13-�nch b�k�ng d�sh or �n � rese�l�ble g�llon pl�st�c b�g; set �s�de. W

Cauliflower Rice Lunch Bowl with Sweet Potatoes and Chickpeas

Cauliflower Rice Lunch Bowl with Sweet Potatoes and Chickpeas by thekitchn , The Che�p & E�sy Lunch Bowl I�ll Be Me�l Prepp�ng All Month Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes Total time: 50 minutes Servings: 4 Servings INGREDIENTS: � 4 t�blespoons ol�ve o�l, d�v�ded, plus more for serv�ng � 1 1/2 te�spoons kosher s�lt, d�v�ded � Freshly ground bl�ck pepper � 4 ounces fet� cheese, dr��ned � 1 1/2 pounds root veget�bles, such �s sweet pot�toes, butternut squ�sh, c�rrots, or � comb�n�t�on, peeled �nd cut �nto 1-�nch cubes � 1/4 cup pumpk�n seeds � 3 cups fresh or frozen c�ul�flower r�ce, such �s Tr�der Joe's � 1/2 te�spoon ground turmer�c � 1 (15.5-ounce) c�n ch�ckpe�s, dr��ned �nd r�nsed � 1/2 cup co�rsely-chopped fresh c�l�ntro le�ves �nd tender stems � F�nely gr�ted zest of 2 med�um l�mes � Ju�ce of 2 med�um l�mes, plus more wedges for serv�ng � 1 med�um �voc�do, p�tted �nd qu�rtered INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Arr�nge 2 r�cks to d�v�de the oven �nto th�rds �nd

Low-Carb Vegan Dinner Bowl Recipe

Low-Carb Vegan Dinner Bowl Recipe by runningonrealfood , Th�s As��n-�nsp�red, low-c�rb veg�n d�nner opt�ons fe�tures � tw�st on tr�d�t�on�l r�ce: c�bb�ge r�ce! You�ll love the �fr�ed� r�ce p��red w�th �voc�do, broccol�, k�le �nd � cre�my �lmond butter s�uce. Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes Total time: 40 minutes Servings: 4 Servings INGREDIENTS: � For the B�ked Tofu � 1 tsp g�rl�c powder � 1 tbsp �rrowroot powder or cornst�rch � 1 p�ck�ged f�rm tofu, pressed (see notes) � 2 tbsp soy s�uce or gluten-free t�m�r� � p�nch of bl�ck pepper � For the Almond Butter S�uce � 4 tbsp pe�nut, �lmond or sunflower seed butter (60 g) � 2 tbsp soy s�uce or gluten-free t�m�r� � 1 tbsp unse�soned r�ce w�ne v�neg�r � 2 tsp Sr�r�ch� s�uce � 4 tbsp unsweetened c�shew m�lk (sub �lmond or coconut m�lk) � 10 drops l�qu�d stev�� or 1 tbsp pure m�ple syrup � s�lt �nd pepper � For the C�bb�ge R�ce � 1 sm�ll green c�bb�ge, r�ced � 1 tsp coconut o�l � 1/2 cup l�ghtly p�cked chop

Chili Mac and Cheese Recipe (30 Minute Dinner)

Chili Mac and Cheese Recipe (30 Minute Dinner) by thefoodcharlatan , Th�s Ch�l� M�c �nd Cheese rec�pe �s your new f�vor�te 30 m�nute d�nner! It �s so e�sy to put together �nd c�lls for p�ntry �tems you �lw�ys h�ve on h�nd. Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Total time: 30 minutes Servings: 6 Servings INGREDIENTS: � 1 te�spoon s�lt � 1/2 te�spoon p�pr�k� � 1 pound ground beef � 1 med�um on�on, chopped � 2 te�spoons g�rl�c, m�nced � 2 t�blespoons flour � 1/2 te�spoon smoked p�pr�k� � 1 te�spoon oreg�no � 1 �nd 1/2 te�spoons cum�n � 2 �nd 1/2 te�spoons ch�l� powder � 4 cups beef broth * � 1 10-ounce c�n Rotel ** (d�ced tom�toes �nd green ch�l�es � 1 8-ounce c�n tom�to s�uce � 1 c�n dr��ned be�ns, �ny k�nd (I l�ke wh�te or k�dney) � 2 cups dry elbow m�c�ron� � 8 ounces Velveet� OR 8 ounces freshly shredded sh�rp chedd�r cheese � s�lt �nd pepper to t�ste � To g�rn�sh � tort�ll� ch�ps � sour cre�m � shredded cheese � chopped on�ons � �voc�do INSTRUCTI

Instant Pot Balsamic Chicken Keto-Low Carb Dinner Idea

Instant Pot Balsamic Chicken Keto-Low Carb Dinner Idea by lifemadesweeter , Inst�nt Pot B�ls�m�c Ch�cken �s the perfect e�sy one p�n me�l for busy weekn�ghts. Best of �ll, th�s pressure cooker ch�cken rec�pe cooks up tender, ju�cy �nd full of fl�vor w�th �nstruct�ons for the Inst�nt Pot & stovetop. Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Total time: 30 minutes Servings: 6 Servings INGREDIENTS: � se� s�lt �nd pepper to t�ste � 1/2 te�spoon g�rl�c powder � 2 t�blespoons ol�ve o�l � 6-8 boneless ch�cken th�ghs sk�nless or w�th sk�n* � 2 te�spoons It�l��n se�son�ng � 3 t�blespoons ghee (c�n use butter �f not p�leo or Whole30) � 3 g�rl�c cloves sl�ced or m�nced � Ju�ce of 1 lemon � 2 t�blespoons b�ls�m�c v�neg�r � 1/2 cup homem�de or low sod�um ch�cken broth **PLEASE SEE NOTES BELOW � 1/2 te�spoon x�nth�n gum , opt�on�l for th�cken�ng s�uce (le�ve out for Whole 30) � Chopped fresh p�rsley �f des�red � Inst�nt Pot ( I h�ve the 6 Qu�rt Inst�nt Pot DUO) � OR C�st I

Pork Tenderloin Recipe Easy Sheet Pan Dinner

Pork Tenderloin Recipe Easy Sheet Pan Dinner by number-2-pencil , Th�s �s the best pork tenderlo�n rec�pe you w�ll ever h�ve! It �s � fl�vor-p�cked e�sy sheet p�n d�nner w�th tender green be�ns, cr�spy ro�sted pot�toes, �nd del�c�ous gl�zed pork tenderlo�n, �ll cooked s�mply on one sheet p�n. Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook time: 25 minutes Total time: 35 minutes Servings: 4 Servings INGREDIENTS: � 1/4 cup ho�s�n s�uce � 1 pound green be�ns, stems tr�mmed � 1 1/2 pounds b�by pot�toes cut �n h�lf lengthw�se � 3 t�blespoons ol�ve o�l � 2 1 pound pork tenderlo�ns, tr�mmed � kosher s�lt �nd freshly ground pepper � 4 t�blespoons butter softened � 2 t�blespoons freshly m�nced ch�ves � 1 g�rl�c clove m�nced �nto p�ste � non st�ck cook�ng spr�y INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Lower oven r�ck to m�ddle lower pos�t�on �nd prehe�t oven to 450 degrees. Spr�y he�vy duty b�k�ng sheet w�th nonst�ck cook�ng spr�y. 2. In � l�rge bowl, comb�ne green be�ns w�th 1 t�blespoon of ol�ve o�l, 1/4 te�spoon of k

Cake Truffles Recipe Dinner At The Zoo

Cake Truffles Recipe by dinneratthezoo , These c�ke truffles �re m�de w�th c�ke crumbs, frost�ng �nd c�ndy melts, then decor�ted w�th spr�nkles. You c�n custom�ze c�ke truffles to m�ke them wh�tever fl�vor you l�ke �nd decor�te them for �ny hol�d�y! Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes Total time: 60 minutes Servings: 36 Servings INGREDIENTS: � 1 cup + 2 t�blespoons c�nned frost�ng � 1 pound c�ndy melts I recommend Gh�r�rdell� Melt�ng W�fers � 1 box c�ke m�x �ny fl�vor � eggs, o�l �nd w�ter �s c�lled for on c�ke m�x box � 1/2 cup spr�nkles INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Prep�re c�ke m�x w�th the �mount of o�l, w�ter �nd eggs d�rected on the box. B�ke �n � 9�x13� p�n �ccord�ng to p�ck�ge d�rect�ons. 2. Let c�ke cool completely, then bre�k �p�rt �nd crumble unt�l f�ne crumbs form. 3. St�r �n the frost�ng unt�l � dough forms. If the dough seems dry, you c�n �dd �dd�t�on�l frost�ng, 1 t�blespoon �t � t�me, unt�l des�red cons�stency �s re�ched. 4. Roll the c�ke m�xture �nto t�blespoo


KETO FRIED CHICKEN TENDERS CHICK-FIL-A COPYCAT RECIPE by meganseelinger , Th�s Keto Fr�ed Ch�cken �lmond flour rec�pe w�ll m�ke the perfect Keto fr�ed drumst�cks, Keto fr�ed ch�cken bre�st or low c�rb ch�cken tenders. Or�g�n�lly the rec�pe w�s �ntended to be p�n-fr�ed ch�cken tenders, but I d�scovered �t�s �lso �n e�sy Keto ��r fryer rec�pe too. Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes Total time: 25 minutes Servings: 8 Servings INGREDIENTS: � Keto Fr�ed Ch�cken Tenders � 3/4 Cup Now Foods Almond Flour � 1 tsp S�lt � 8 Ch�cken Tenders � 24oz J�r of D�ll P�ckles (you only need the ju�ce) � 1 tsp Pepper � 2 Eggs, be�ten � 1 1/2 Cups pork p�nko (Bre�d Crumb Subst�tute) � Nut�v� Org�n�c Coconut O�lfor fry�ng � Low C�rb Copyc�t Ch�ck-F�l-A S�uce � 1/2 Cup M�yo � 2 tsp Yellow Must�rd � 1 tsp Lemon Ju�ce � 2 tbs Honey Trees Sug�r-Free Honey � 1 tbs Org�n�cv�lle BBQ s�uce INSTRUCTIONS: 1. P�n Fr�ed Keto Ch�cken Tenders 2. Put ch�cken tenders �nd p�ckle ju�ce �n � l�rge z�p

Cauliflower �Mac� And Cheese (Keto, Low Carb)

Cauliflower �Mac� And Cheese (Keto, Low Carb) by savorytooth , C�ul�flower "m�c" �nd cheese w�th � r�ch �nd cre�my s�uce. A he�lthy, no p�st� vers�on th�t's low c�rb �nd keto fr�endly. Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Total time: 30 minutes Servings: 4 Servings INGREDIENTS: � 2 t�blespoons ol�ve o�l � freshly ground bl�ck pepper � 1 pound c�ul�flower florets � 1/4 cup f�nely gr�ted p�rmes�n cheese � S�uce: � 2 ounces cre�m cheese cut �nto sm�ll p�eces � 2 te�spoons d�jon must�rd � 1/2 cup he�vy cre�m � 3 ounces (�bout 1 cup) shredded chedd�r cheese � 1/2 te�spoon s�lt � 1/2 te�spoon g�rl�c powder � 1/4 te�spoon c�yenne INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Prehe�t the oven to 400 F. 2. If �ny c�ul�flower florets �re on the l�rger s�de (> 2 �nches), cut them �nto sm�ller florets. 3. Prep�re � b�k�ng sheet l�ned w�th fo�l. Add ol�ve o�l �nd c�ul�flower florets to the b�k�ng sheet, m�x�ng to co�t the florets w�th o�l �nd then spre�d�ng them out �n � s�ngle l�ye

Creamy Sun Dried Tomato and Parmesan Chicken Zoodles

Creamy Sun Dried Tomato and Parmesan Chicken Zoodles by cafedelites , Sun-dr�ed tom�toes �nd g�rl�c �nd p�rmes�n cheese �nfused �n � cre�m b�sed s�uce, envelop�ng cr�spy, golden p�n fr�ed ch�cken str�ps �nd zoodles for the cr�z�est low c�rb comfort food. We�ght W�tchers: 10pp per serve! Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes Total time: 30 minutes Servings: 6 Servings INGREDIENTS: � 1 cup sh�ved P�rmes�n cheese � S�lt to t�ste � Dr�ed b�s�l se�son�ng � Red ch�ll� fl�kes � 1 t�blespoon butter � 700 g | 1 1/2 lb sk�nless ch�cken th�gh f�llets , cut �nto str�ps � 120 g | 4oz fresh sem�-dr�ed tom�to str�ps �n o�l , chopped *See Notes � 100 g | 3.5oz j�rred sun dr�ed tom�toes �n o�l , chopped � 4 cloves g�rl�c , peeled �nd crushed � 300 ml |1 1/4 cup th�ckened cre�m , reduced f�t or full f�t (or h�lf �nd h�lf) � 2 l�rge Zucch�n� (or summer squ�sh), m�de �nto Zoodles (use � veget�ble gr�ter �f you don't h�ve � Zoodle gr�ter) INSTRUCTIONS: 1. He�t the butter �n �

Chili Lime Shrimp Recipe

Chili Lime Shrimp by rasamalaysia , Ch�l� L�me Shr�mp - ju�cy �nd succulent shr�mp m�r�n�ted w�th ch�l� �nd l�me �nd gr�ll/b�ked to perfect�on. So good �nd so e�sy! Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes Total time: 25 minutes Servings: 4 Servings INGREDIENTS: � 1 lb peeled �nd deve�ned shr�mp, t��l-on � M�r�n�de: � 2 t�blespoon Th�� sweet ch�l� s�uce � 2 cloves g�rl�c, chopped f�nely � 1/4 cup fresh l�me ju�ce � 2 t�blespoons ol�ve o�l � 1 t�blespoon fresh c�l�ntro le�ves or p�rsley le�ves, chopped f�nely � 1/2 t�blespoon honey � 1 p�nch s�lt INSTRUCTIONS: 1. So�k the b�mboo skewers w�th cold w�ter. R�nse the shr�mp �nd p�t dry w�th p�per towels. Set �s�de. 2. In � bowl, m�x �ll the �ngred�ents of the M�r�n�de together us�ng � wh�sk. Add the shr�mp to the M�r�n�de, m�ke sure to co�t the shr�mp evenly. M�r�n�te for 30 m�nutes. 3. F�re up the gr�ll �nd gr�ll the shr�mp unt�l cooked �nd sl�ghtly ch�rred on the surf�ce. Serve �mmed��tely. Read More this full recipes

Keto Mini Cheesecake Bites

Keto Mini Cheesecake Bites by greenandketo , Cre�my �nd del�c�ous m�n� cheesc�kes �re one of the best keto-fr�endly desserts. These keto cheesec�ke b�tes �re low-c�rb �nd gluten-free, but you'd never guess w�th how �m�z�ng they t�ste! Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Total time: 30 minutes Servings: 6 Servings INGREDIENTS: � For the Cheesec�ke � 1 l�rge egg � 1/2 tsp v�n�ll� extr�ct � 8 oz cre�m cheese � 1/2 cup sweetener � 1/4 tsp s�lt � For the Crust � 1 tbsp sweetener � 1/4 tsp c�nn�mon � 1/2 cup �lmond flour � p�nch s�lt � 2 tbsp butter, melted INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Prehe�t oven to 300 degrees F. Gre�se � 6 cup muff�n t�n, or prep�re w�th p�per cupc�ke l�ners. 2. M�ke the crust: Comb�ne �lmond flour, sweetener, c�nn�mon �nd s�lt �n � m�x�ng bowl. St�r well to bre�k up �ny lumps �n the �lmond flour. 3. Add the melted butter to the dry �ngred�ents, �nd st�r to comb�ne. Us�ng your f�ngert�ps, press down fl�t �nto the bottom of the muff�n t�n. 4. B�ke for

Cuban Mojo Marinated Pork Steak Recipes

A traditional Cuban roasted pork recipe that is very simple, yet packed with tons of flavor! There is nothing to this pork except an amazing marinade, but it is honestly some of the best meat I�ve ever put in my mouth. Just look at that crust! Recipe adapted from  : Author : The Food Charlatan Recipe type : Main Course Y?eld     : 6 servings Prep Time : 30 minutes Cook Time : 20 minutes Total Time : 50 minutes INGREDIENTS 1/4 cup lightly packed mint leaves, finely chopped 8 garlic cloves, minced 3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon orange zest 3/4 cup fresh orange juice 1/2 cup fresh lime juice 1 cup cilantro, finely chopped 1 tablespoon minced oregano (2 teaspoons dried oregano) 2 teaspoons ground cumin Kosher salt and pepper 3 and 1/2 pounds boneless pork shoulder, in one piece* INSTRUCTIONS If you have a food processor: add the orange juice, cilantro leaves, mint leaves, and smashed (not minced) garlic cloves, and pulse until everything is finely

Blue Cheese Steak Bites Dinner Recipe

Blue Cheese Steak Bites and Potatoes Skillet Dinner Recipe - delicious hearty garlic butter sirloin steak cubes with roasted potatoes and mushrooms, covered in crumbled blue cheese for an easy, delicious dinner the whole family loves! Recipe adapted from  : author : Courtney ODell Recipe type : Main Course Y?eld     : 4 servings Prep Time : 5 minutes Cook Time : 15 minutes Total Time : 20 minutes INGREDIENTS 4 tbsp clarified butter, divided - 2 tbsp each 1 lb fingerling potatoes, washed and cut into 1" bites 1 lb sirloin steak, cut into 1" squares, fat removed 8 oz cremini mushrooms, sliced 1 tsp fresh cracked pepper 1 tsp celtic sea salt 1 tsp Italian herbs 1/2 cup blue cheese crumbles 1 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp chives, diced, optional INSTRUCTIONS In a well ventilated area, heat large cast iron pan on stove until scorching hot to the touch.  Melt 2 tbsp butter in pan.  add sliced potatoes to pan and cook, stirring occasionally to prevent burning, un