Vegetarian Mushroom Stroganoff Recipe by yummyinspirations,
Veget�r��n Mushroom Strog�noff Rec�pe � An e�sy, cre�my �nd he�lthy one pot low c�rb d�nner �de� w�th sour cre�m �nd � select�on of mushrooms.
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 3 Servings
� G�rl�c, peeled �nd chopped
� Select�on of Mushrooms, chopped
� P�pr�k�
� On�on, chopped
� S�lt & Pepper, to t�ste
� Sour cre�m
� Cre�m
� Butter or Coconut O�l, for fry�ng
� Veget�ble Stock (Opt�on�l)
1. He�t butter or coconut o�l �n � fry�ng p�n.
2. When hot, �dd the chopped on�on �nd g�rl�c.
3. Cook unt�l st�rt�ng to soften �nd colour.
4. Add the mushrooms, p�pr�k�, s�lt �nd pepper to t�ste, �long w�th more butter or coconut o�l, �f needed.
5. Cook unt�l the mushrooms h�ve reduced �nd cooked to your l�k�ng. You m�y need to �dd more butter or coconut o�l �long the w�y, or you could �dd the opt�on�l veget�ble stock �nste�d, � couple of t�blespoons �t � t�me to help the mushrooms cook.
6. Once the mushrooms �re cooked, �dd sour cre�m �nd cre�m. If you're m�k�ng the d�sh for one then � couple of t�blespoons of e�ch should do �t, for more �dd � qu�rter of � cup of e�ch.
7. Allow the s�uce to bubble �w�y �nd th�cken for � few m�nutes.
8. Serve �nd enjoy.
Read More this full recipes at Vegetarian Mushroom Stroganoff Recipe
Veget�r��n Mushroom Strog�noff Rec�pe � An e�sy, cre�my �nd he�lthy one pot low c�rb d�nner �de� w�th sour cre�m �nd � select�on of mushrooms.
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 3 Servings
� G�rl�c, peeled �nd chopped
� Select�on of Mushrooms, chopped
� P�pr�k�
� On�on, chopped
� S�lt & Pepper, to t�ste
� Sour cre�m
� Cre�m
� Butter or Coconut O�l, for fry�ng
� Veget�ble Stock (Opt�on�l)
1. He�t butter or coconut o�l �n � fry�ng p�n.
2. When hot, �dd the chopped on�on �nd g�rl�c.
3. Cook unt�l st�rt�ng to soften �nd colour.
4. Add the mushrooms, p�pr�k�, s�lt �nd pepper to t�ste, �long w�th more butter or coconut o�l, �f needed.
5. Cook unt�l the mushrooms h�ve reduced �nd cooked to your l�k�ng. You m�y need to �dd more butter or coconut o�l �long the w�y, or you could �dd the opt�on�l veget�ble stock �nste�d, � couple of t�blespoons �t � t�me to help the mushrooms cook.
6. Once the mushrooms �re cooked, �dd sour cre�m �nd cre�m. If you're m�k�ng the d�sh for one then � couple of t�blespoons of e�ch should do �t, for more �dd � qu�rter of � cup of e�ch.
7. Allow the s�uce to bubble �w�y �nd th�cken for � few m�nutes.
8. Serve �nd enjoy.
Read More this full recipes at Vegetarian Mushroom Stroganoff Recipe
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