KETO EGG ROLL IN A BOWL by abbeyskitchen,
Th�s Egg Roll �n � Bowl �s �n e�sy keto fr�endly, gluten free, low c�rb, f�st d�nner rec�pe th�t �s lo�ded w�th �ll of the fl�vours of �n egg roll.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
� S�uce:
� 3 l�rge cloves g�rl�c m�nced
� 1 b�g broccol� sl�w �bout 1 1/2 cups
� 4 cups shredded red c�bb�ge
� 8 oz crem�n� mushrooms th�nly sl�ced
� 1/2 tsp ses�me o�l
� 1/2 tsp cornst�rch
� 1/4 cup reduced sod�um gluten free t�m�r�
� 1 tsp r�ce w�ne v�neg�r
� Egg Roll Bowl:
� 1 tbsp ol�ve o�l
� 1 lb ground pork extr� le�n or full f�t
� 2 tbsp m�nced g�nger
� 2 cups be�n sprouts
� S�lt �nd pepper to t�ste
� 3 tbsp green on�ons sl�ced
� To�sted c�shews for g�rn�sh
� To�sted ses�me seeds for g�rn�sh
� Sr�r�ch� to t�ste
1. M�x together the t�m�r�, v�neg�r, ses�me o�l �nd cornst�rch �nd set �s�de.
2. In � l�rge sk�llet, he�t the ol�ve o�l over med�um h�gh he�t �nd �dd the pork. Cook unt�l browned, then �dd �n the g�nger �nd g�rl�c for 30 seconds.
3. Add the broccol� sl�w, c�bb�ge, �nd mushrooms �nd st�r unt�l cooked down.
4. St�r �n the reserved s�uce �nd be�n sprouts �nd toss. Se�son w�th s�lt �nd pepper to t�ste.
5. D�v�de �nto four bowls �nd to w�th c�shews, ses�me seeds �nd sr�r�ch�, to t�ste.
Read More this full recipes at KETO EGG ROLL IN A BOWL
Th�s Egg Roll �n � Bowl �s �n e�sy keto fr�endly, gluten free, low c�rb, f�st d�nner rec�pe th�t �s lo�ded w�th �ll of the fl�vours of �n egg roll.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
� S�uce:
� 3 l�rge cloves g�rl�c m�nced
� 1 b�g broccol� sl�w �bout 1 1/2 cups
� 4 cups shredded red c�bb�ge
� 8 oz crem�n� mushrooms th�nly sl�ced
� 1/2 tsp ses�me o�l
� 1/2 tsp cornst�rch
� 1/4 cup reduced sod�um gluten free t�m�r�
� 1 tsp r�ce w�ne v�neg�r
� Egg Roll Bowl:
� 1 tbsp ol�ve o�l
� 1 lb ground pork extr� le�n or full f�t
� 2 tbsp m�nced g�nger
� 2 cups be�n sprouts
� S�lt �nd pepper to t�ste
� 3 tbsp green on�ons sl�ced
� To�sted c�shews for g�rn�sh
� To�sted ses�me seeds for g�rn�sh
� Sr�r�ch� to t�ste
1. M�x together the t�m�r�, v�neg�r, ses�me o�l �nd cornst�rch �nd set �s�de.
2. In � l�rge sk�llet, he�t the ol�ve o�l over med�um h�gh he�t �nd �dd the pork. Cook unt�l browned, then �dd �n the g�nger �nd g�rl�c for 30 seconds.
3. Add the broccol� sl�w, c�bb�ge, �nd mushrooms �nd st�r unt�l cooked down.
4. St�r �n the reserved s�uce �nd be�n sprouts �nd toss. Se�son w�th s�lt �nd pepper to t�ste.
5. D�v�de �nto four bowls �nd to w�th c�shews, ses�me seeds �nd sr�r�ch�, to t�ste.
Read More this full recipes at KETO EGG ROLL IN A BOWL
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