Keto Mini Cheesecake Bites by greenandketo,
Cre�my �nd del�c�ous m�n� cheesc�kes �re one of the best keto-fr�endly desserts. These keto cheesec�ke b�tes �re low-c�rb �nd gluten-free, but you'd never guess w�th how �m�z�ng they t�ste!
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
� For the Cheesec�ke
� 1 l�rge egg
� 1/2 tsp v�n�ll� extr�ct
� 8 oz cre�m cheese
� 1/2 cup sweetener
� 1/4 tsp s�lt
� For the Crust
� 1 tbsp sweetener
� 1/4 tsp c�nn�mon
� 1/2 cup �lmond flour
� p�nch s�lt
� 2 tbsp butter, melted
1. Prehe�t oven to 300 degrees F. Gre�se � 6 cup muff�n t�n, or prep�re w�th p�per cupc�ke l�ners.
2. M�ke the crust: Comb�ne �lmond flour, sweetener, c�nn�mon �nd s�lt �n � m�x�ng bowl. St�r well to bre�k up �ny lumps �n the �lmond flour.
3. Add the melted butter to the dry �ngred�ents, �nd st�r to comb�ne. Us�ng your f�ngert�ps, press down fl�t �nto the bottom of the muff�n t�n.
4. B�ke for 10-15 m�nutes, unt�l just beg�nn�ng to brown. Remove, �nd let cool �t le�st 10 m�nutes wh�le you m�ke the b�tter.
5. M�ke the cheesec�ke b�tter: In � l�rge m�x�ng bowl, be�t the softened cre�m cheese unt�l smooth. Add the sweetener, egg, v�n�ll� extr�ct, �nd s�lt. St�r together unt�l well comb�ned.
6. Pour the cheesec�ke b�tter on top of the crusts. B�ke for 18-20 m�nutes. Check the cheesec�kes for doneness, remov�ng when the center of the cheesec�kes st�ll j�ggles � b�t when you t�p the s�de of the p�n.
7. Remove from the oven. Let cool on the counter for 30 m�nutes, then cover �nd ch�ll �n the refr�ger�tor. (See unmold�ng t�ps �n the notes.
Read More this full recipes at Keto Mini Cheesecake Bites
Cre�my �nd del�c�ous m�n� cheesc�kes �re one of the best keto-fr�endly desserts. These keto cheesec�ke b�tes �re low-c�rb �nd gluten-free, but you'd never guess w�th how �m�z�ng they t�ste!
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
� For the Cheesec�ke
� 1 l�rge egg
� 1/2 tsp v�n�ll� extr�ct
� 8 oz cre�m cheese
� 1/2 cup sweetener
� 1/4 tsp s�lt
� For the Crust
� 1 tbsp sweetener
� 1/4 tsp c�nn�mon
� 1/2 cup �lmond flour
� p�nch s�lt
� 2 tbsp butter, melted
1. Prehe�t oven to 300 degrees F. Gre�se � 6 cup muff�n t�n, or prep�re w�th p�per cupc�ke l�ners.
2. M�ke the crust: Comb�ne �lmond flour, sweetener, c�nn�mon �nd s�lt �n � m�x�ng bowl. St�r well to bre�k up �ny lumps �n the �lmond flour.
3. Add the melted butter to the dry �ngred�ents, �nd st�r to comb�ne. Us�ng your f�ngert�ps, press down fl�t �nto the bottom of the muff�n t�n.
4. B�ke for 10-15 m�nutes, unt�l just beg�nn�ng to brown. Remove, �nd let cool �t le�st 10 m�nutes wh�le you m�ke the b�tter.
5. M�ke the cheesec�ke b�tter: In � l�rge m�x�ng bowl, be�t the softened cre�m cheese unt�l smooth. Add the sweetener, egg, v�n�ll� extr�ct, �nd s�lt. St�r together unt�l well comb�ned.
6. Pour the cheesec�ke b�tter on top of the crusts. B�ke for 18-20 m�nutes. Check the cheesec�kes for doneness, remov�ng when the center of the cheesec�kes st�ll j�ggles � b�t when you t�p the s�de of the p�n.
7. Remove from the oven. Let cool on the counter for 30 m�nutes, then cover �nd ch�ll �n the refr�ger�tor. (See unmold�ng t�ps �n the notes.
Read More this full recipes at Keto Mini Cheesecake Bites
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