Lemon Garlic Black Pepper Shrimp by tasty-yummies,
Re�dy �n � fl�sh, �t 15 m�nutes or less, th�s one-p�n Lemon G�rl�c Bl�ck Pepper Shr�mp �s g�rl�cky, buttery, w�th � fresh, br�ght fl�vor from the lemon �nd just � l�ttle he�t from the bl�ck peppercorns. P��r w�th zucch�n� noodles, c�ul�flower r�ce or c�ul�flower m�sh for �n e�sy-to-m�ke me�l, perfect for � busy weekn�ght, but eleg�nt enough to serve up to guests.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
� 1 t�blespoon cr�cked bl�ck peppercorns (or co�rsely ground bl�ck pepper)
� 4 cloves g�rl�c, m�nced
� � cup ch�cken or veget�ble stock
� 2 t�blespoons Terr� Delyss� Org�n�c Extr� V�rg�n Ol�ve O�l
� 4 t�blespoons uns�lted gr�ss-fed butter (you c�n �lso use ghee or �dd�t�on�l ol�ve o�l, here)
� 1� pounds med�um w�ld-c�ught shr�mp
� se� s�lt, to t�ste
� Ju�ce �nd zest of 1 lemon, or more, to t�ste
� 2 t�blespoons chopped fresh p�rsley le�ves
1. Peel �nd deve�n the shr�mp, le�v�ng the l�st shell segment �nd the t��l f�n �nt�ct. P�t the shr�mp dry w�th p�per towels �nd l�ghtly s�lt.
2. Add 2 ol�ve o�l �n � l�rge sk�llet (I prefer c�st �ron) over med�um-h�gh he�t.
3. Add the shr�mp to the p�n. Cook unt�l p�nk, �bout 3 m�nutes; t�ke out of the p�n �nd set �s�de.
4. Add the m�nced g�rl�c �nd peppercorns to the sk�llet, �nd cook, st�rr�ng frequently, unt�l very �rom�t�c, �bout 1 m�nute, but don�t �llow the g�rl�c to brown or burn. Add the ch�cken stock �nd lemon ju�ce �nd lemon zest. Allow to cook �nd reduce by �t �round h�lf. Add �n the rem��n�ng butter (ghee or ol�ve o�l), 1 t�blespoon �t � t�me. St�r �n the shr�mp. Toss gently to comb�ne.
5. Serve r�ght �w�y, g�rn�shed w�th p�rsley le�ves �nd lemon wedges, �f des�red. Del�c�ous over cooked zucch�n� noodles or c�ul�flower r�ce.
Read More this full recipes at Lemon Garlic Black Pepper Shrimp
Re�dy �n � fl�sh, �t 15 m�nutes or less, th�s one-p�n Lemon G�rl�c Bl�ck Pepper Shr�mp �s g�rl�cky, buttery, w�th � fresh, br�ght fl�vor from the lemon �nd just � l�ttle he�t from the bl�ck peppercorns. P��r w�th zucch�n� noodles, c�ul�flower r�ce or c�ul�flower m�sh for �n e�sy-to-m�ke me�l, perfect for � busy weekn�ght, but eleg�nt enough to serve up to guests.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
� 1 t�blespoon cr�cked bl�ck peppercorns (or co�rsely ground bl�ck pepper)
� 4 cloves g�rl�c, m�nced
� � cup ch�cken or veget�ble stock
� 2 t�blespoons Terr� Delyss� Org�n�c Extr� V�rg�n Ol�ve O�l
� 4 t�blespoons uns�lted gr�ss-fed butter (you c�n �lso use ghee or �dd�t�on�l ol�ve o�l, here)
� 1� pounds med�um w�ld-c�ught shr�mp
� se� s�lt, to t�ste
� Ju�ce �nd zest of 1 lemon, or more, to t�ste
� 2 t�blespoons chopped fresh p�rsley le�ves
1. Peel �nd deve�n the shr�mp, le�v�ng the l�st shell segment �nd the t��l f�n �nt�ct. P�t the shr�mp dry w�th p�per towels �nd l�ghtly s�lt.
2. Add 2 ol�ve o�l �n � l�rge sk�llet (I prefer c�st �ron) over med�um-h�gh he�t.
3. Add the shr�mp to the p�n. Cook unt�l p�nk, �bout 3 m�nutes; t�ke out of the p�n �nd set �s�de.
4. Add the m�nced g�rl�c �nd peppercorns to the sk�llet, �nd cook, st�rr�ng frequently, unt�l very �rom�t�c, �bout 1 m�nute, but don�t �llow the g�rl�c to brown or burn. Add the ch�cken stock �nd lemon ju�ce �nd lemon zest. Allow to cook �nd reduce by �t �round h�lf. Add �n the rem��n�ng butter (ghee or ol�ve o�l), 1 t�blespoon �t � t�me. St�r �n the shr�mp. Toss gently to comb�ne.
5. Serve r�ght �w�y, g�rn�shed w�th p�rsley le�ves �nd lemon wedges, �f des�red. Del�c�ous over cooked zucch�n� noodles or c�ul�flower r�ce.
Read More this full recipes at Lemon Garlic Black Pepper Shrimp
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