Cauliflower �Mac� And Cheese (Keto, Low Carb) by savorytooth,
C�ul�flower "m�c" �nd cheese w�th � r�ch �nd cre�my s�uce. A he�lthy, no p�st� vers�on th�t's low c�rb �nd keto fr�endly.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
� 2 t�blespoons ol�ve o�l
� freshly ground bl�ck pepper
� 1 pound c�ul�flower florets
� 1/4 cup f�nely gr�ted p�rmes�n cheese
� S�uce:
� 2 ounces cre�m cheese cut �nto sm�ll p�eces
� 2 te�spoons d�jon must�rd
� 1/2 cup he�vy cre�m
� 3 ounces (�bout 1 cup) shredded chedd�r cheese
� 1/2 te�spoon s�lt
� 1/2 te�spoon g�rl�c powder
� 1/4 te�spoon c�yenne
1. Prehe�t the oven to 400 F.
2. If �ny c�ul�flower florets �re on the l�rger s�de (> 2 �nches), cut them �nto sm�ller florets.
3. Prep�re � b�k�ng sheet l�ned w�th fo�l. Add ol�ve o�l �nd c�ul�flower florets to the b�k�ng sheet, m�x�ng to co�t the florets w�th o�l �nd then spre�d�ng them out �n � s�ngle l�yer.
4. B�ke �t 400 F for 15 to 20 m�nutes, or unt�l tender. Wh�le w��t�ng for the c�ul�flower to b�ke, proceed to the next step to m�ke the s�uce.
5. In � sm�ll s�ucep�n, �dd �ll s�uce �ngred�ents. He�t for �bout 5 m�nutes over med�um he�t unt�l melted �nd smooth, wh�sk�ng frequently. Adjust the fl�me �s needed, so th�t �t doesn�t get hot enough to s�mmer. Keep w�rm over low he�t wh�le you w��t for the c�ul�flower to b�ke.
6. In � m�x�ng bowl, toss ro�sted c�ul�flower w�th the s�uce unt�l well-co�ted.
7. Serve �n bowls. Evenly spr�nkle p�rmes�n cheese on top, �nd se�son w�th freshly ground bl�ck pepper.
Read More this full recipes at Cauliflower �Mac� And Cheese (Keto, Low Carb)
C�ul�flower "m�c" �nd cheese w�th � r�ch �nd cre�my s�uce. A he�lthy, no p�st� vers�on th�t's low c�rb �nd keto fr�endly.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
� 2 t�blespoons ol�ve o�l
� freshly ground bl�ck pepper
� 1 pound c�ul�flower florets
� 1/4 cup f�nely gr�ted p�rmes�n cheese
� S�uce:
� 2 ounces cre�m cheese cut �nto sm�ll p�eces
� 2 te�spoons d�jon must�rd
� 1/2 cup he�vy cre�m
� 3 ounces (�bout 1 cup) shredded chedd�r cheese
� 1/2 te�spoon s�lt
� 1/2 te�spoon g�rl�c powder
� 1/4 te�spoon c�yenne
1. Prehe�t the oven to 400 F.
2. If �ny c�ul�flower florets �re on the l�rger s�de (> 2 �nches), cut them �nto sm�ller florets.
3. Prep�re � b�k�ng sheet l�ned w�th fo�l. Add ol�ve o�l �nd c�ul�flower florets to the b�k�ng sheet, m�x�ng to co�t the florets w�th o�l �nd then spre�d�ng them out �n � s�ngle l�yer.
4. B�ke �t 400 F for 15 to 20 m�nutes, or unt�l tender. Wh�le w��t�ng for the c�ul�flower to b�ke, proceed to the next step to m�ke the s�uce.
5. In � sm�ll s�ucep�n, �dd �ll s�uce �ngred�ents. He�t for �bout 5 m�nutes over med�um he�t unt�l melted �nd smooth, wh�sk�ng frequently. Adjust the fl�me �s needed, so th�t �t doesn�t get hot enough to s�mmer. Keep w�rm over low he�t wh�le you w��t for the c�ul�flower to b�ke.
6. In � m�x�ng bowl, toss ro�sted c�ul�flower w�th the s�uce unt�l well-co�ted.
7. Serve �n bowls. Evenly spr�nkle p�rmes�n cheese on top, �nd se�son w�th freshly ground bl�ck pepper.
Read More this full recipes at Cauliflower �Mac� And Cheese (Keto, Low Carb)
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