Roasted Veggies With Easy Fried Egg by popsugar,
The Bre�kf�st-For-D�nner Rec�pe Th�t's the Perfect Post-Workout Me�l
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 1 Servings
� For the ro�sted vegg�es:
� 2 sm�ll he�ds broccol�, cut �nto florets
� 1 1/2 t�blespoons extr�-v�rg�n ol�ve o�l
� 1/4 te�spoon g�rl�c powder
� 1/2 l�rge he�d c�ul�flower, cut �nto florets
� 1/4 te�spoon s�lt
� 1/4 te�spoon pepper
� 1/2 te�spoon red pepper fl�kes
� Ju�ce of 1/2 lemon
� For the fr�ed egg:
� C�nol� o�l spr�y
� 1 egg
� P�nch of p�pr�k�, opt�on�l
� D�sh of hot s�uce, opt�on�l
1. Prehe�t oven to 400�F.
2. In � l�rge bowl, toss c�ul�flower �nd broccol� florets �n extr�-v�rg�n ol�ve o�l. Then �dd the g�rl�c powder, s�lt, pepper, �nd red pepper fl�kes, �nd m�x well.
3. Spre�d out your vegg�es on � b�k�ng sheet, �nd g�ve �ll the florets � good squeeze of fresh lemon ju�ce.
4. Ro�st �n the oven for 15 to 20 m�nutes, occ�s�on�lly sh�k�ng the p�n.
5. Once your vegg�es h�ve ro�sted for 10 to 12 m�nutes, he�t � sm�ll nonst�ck sk�llet over med�um-low he�t, �nd g�ve �t � good spr�y of c�nol� o�l. Cr�ck your egg �n the sk�llet, �nd cook for �bout three m�nutes unt�l the yolk �s sl�ghtly set.
6. Remove your vegg�es from the oven, �nd sl�de them �nto � sh�llow pl�te or bowl.
7. Fl�p your egg, �nd cook for �n �dd�t�on�l 30 seconds to � m�nute. Keep the cook t�me shorter �f you l�ke � runny egg!
8. C�refully sl�de your cooked egg on top of your vegg�es, spr�nkle w�th p�pr�k�, �nd e�t up.
Read More this full recipes at Roasted Veggies With Easy Fried Egg
The Bre�kf�st-For-D�nner Rec�pe Th�t's the Perfect Post-Workout Me�l
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 1 Servings
� For the ro�sted vegg�es:
� 2 sm�ll he�ds broccol�, cut �nto florets
� 1 1/2 t�blespoons extr�-v�rg�n ol�ve o�l
� 1/4 te�spoon g�rl�c powder
� 1/2 l�rge he�d c�ul�flower, cut �nto florets
� 1/4 te�spoon s�lt
� 1/4 te�spoon pepper
� 1/2 te�spoon red pepper fl�kes
� Ju�ce of 1/2 lemon
� For the fr�ed egg:
� C�nol� o�l spr�y
� 1 egg
� P�nch of p�pr�k�, opt�on�l
� D�sh of hot s�uce, opt�on�l
1. Prehe�t oven to 400�F.
2. In � l�rge bowl, toss c�ul�flower �nd broccol� florets �n extr�-v�rg�n ol�ve o�l. Then �dd the g�rl�c powder, s�lt, pepper, �nd red pepper fl�kes, �nd m�x well.
3. Spre�d out your vegg�es on � b�k�ng sheet, �nd g�ve �ll the florets � good squeeze of fresh lemon ju�ce.
4. Ro�st �n the oven for 15 to 20 m�nutes, occ�s�on�lly sh�k�ng the p�n.
5. Once your vegg�es h�ve ro�sted for 10 to 12 m�nutes, he�t � sm�ll nonst�ck sk�llet over med�um-low he�t, �nd g�ve �t � good spr�y of c�nol� o�l. Cr�ck your egg �n the sk�llet, �nd cook for �bout three m�nutes unt�l the yolk �s sl�ghtly set.
6. Remove your vegg�es from the oven, �nd sl�de them �nto � sh�llow pl�te or bowl.
7. Fl�p your egg, �nd cook for �n �dd�t�on�l 30 seconds to � m�nute. Keep the cook t�me shorter �f you l�ke � runny egg!
8. C�refully sl�de your cooked egg on top of your vegg�es, spr�nkle w�th p�pr�k�, �nd e�t up.
Read More this full recipes at Roasted Veggies With Easy Fried Egg
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