Low-Carb Vegan Dinner Bowl Recipe by runningonrealfood,
Th�s As��n-�nsp�red, low-c�rb veg�n d�nner opt�ons fe�tures � tw�st on tr�d�t�on�l r�ce: c�bb�ge r�ce! You�ll love the �fr�ed� r�ce p��red w�th �voc�do, broccol�, k�le �nd � cre�my �lmond butter s�uce.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
� For the B�ked Tofu
� 1 tsp g�rl�c powder
� 1 tbsp �rrowroot powder or cornst�rch
� 1 p�ck�ged f�rm tofu, pressed (see notes)
� 2 tbsp soy s�uce or gluten-free t�m�r�
� p�nch of bl�ck pepper
� For the Almond Butter S�uce
� 4 tbsp pe�nut, �lmond or sunflower seed butter (60 g)
� 2 tbsp soy s�uce or gluten-free t�m�r�
� 1 tbsp unse�soned r�ce w�ne v�neg�r
� 2 tsp Sr�r�ch� s�uce
� 4 tbsp unsweetened c�shew m�lk (sub �lmond or coconut m�lk)
� 10 drops l�qu�d stev�� or 1 tbsp pure m�ple syrup
� s�lt �nd pepper
� For the C�bb�ge R�ce
� 1 sm�ll green c�bb�ge, r�ced
� 1 tsp coconut o�l
� 1/2 cup l�ghtly p�cked chopped green on�on
� 1/2 cup l�ghtly p�cked chopped fresh c�l�ntro
� 3 cloves g�rl�c, m�nced
� For the Bowls
� 1/4�1/2 �voc�do per bowl
� 1 cup broccol� florets, ste�med, per bowl
� l�rge h�ndful of chopped k�le, ste�med, per bowl
1. B�ke the tofu. Prehe�t the oven to 425 F. Cube the pressed tofu (see notes) �nd pl�ce �n � bowl. M�x w�th the rest of the tofu �ngred�ents then pl�ce the p�eces on � p�rchment p�per or s�l�cone m�t-l�ned b�k�ng tr�y. B�ke the tofu for 15-20 m�nutes, fl�p �nd b�ke �nother 10-20 m�nutes unt�l �t�s brown �nd puffy.
2. M�ke the c�bb�ge r�ce. Remove the outer le�ves of the c�bb�ge, sl�ce �n h�lf then chop �nto chunks. Add the chunks to � food processor �nd pulse � few t�mes unt�l the c�bb�ge h�s the cons�stency of r�ce. Altern�t�vely, you c�n just f�nely chop or shred the c�bb�ge us�ng � m�ndol�n. Add the �r�ced� c�bb�ge to � l�rge sk�llet w�th the rest of the c�bb�ge r�ce �ngred�ents �nd cook over h�gh unt�l unt�l tender �nd brown, �bout 6-10 m�nutes. M�x �t well to st�rt, then only m�x every couple m�nutes so �t c�n st�rt to brown on the bottom.
3. M�ke the s�uce. Wh�sk the s�uce �ngred�ents together �n � bowl or cont��ner unt�l smooth �nd cre�my.
4. Assemble the bowls. To �ssemble the bowls, st�rt w�th � b�g scoop of c�bb�ge r�ce then �dd the k�le, broccol�, �voc�do �nd tofu, then top w�th the s�uce. Leftovers c�n be p�cked up �nd�v�du�lly or �ssembled �n cont��ners, re�dy for your next me�l.
Read More this full recipes at Low-Carb Vegan Dinner Bowl Recipe
Th�s As��n-�nsp�red, low-c�rb veg�n d�nner opt�ons fe�tures � tw�st on tr�d�t�on�l r�ce: c�bb�ge r�ce! You�ll love the �fr�ed� r�ce p��red w�th �voc�do, broccol�, k�le �nd � cre�my �lmond butter s�uce.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
� For the B�ked Tofu
� 1 tsp g�rl�c powder
� 1 tbsp �rrowroot powder or cornst�rch
� 1 p�ck�ged f�rm tofu, pressed (see notes)
� 2 tbsp soy s�uce or gluten-free t�m�r�
� p�nch of bl�ck pepper
� For the Almond Butter S�uce
� 4 tbsp pe�nut, �lmond or sunflower seed butter (60 g)
� 2 tbsp soy s�uce or gluten-free t�m�r�
� 1 tbsp unse�soned r�ce w�ne v�neg�r
� 2 tsp Sr�r�ch� s�uce
� 4 tbsp unsweetened c�shew m�lk (sub �lmond or coconut m�lk)
� 10 drops l�qu�d stev�� or 1 tbsp pure m�ple syrup
� s�lt �nd pepper
� For the C�bb�ge R�ce
� 1 sm�ll green c�bb�ge, r�ced
� 1 tsp coconut o�l
� 1/2 cup l�ghtly p�cked chopped green on�on
� 1/2 cup l�ghtly p�cked chopped fresh c�l�ntro
� 3 cloves g�rl�c, m�nced
� For the Bowls
� 1/4�1/2 �voc�do per bowl
� 1 cup broccol� florets, ste�med, per bowl
� l�rge h�ndful of chopped k�le, ste�med, per bowl
1. B�ke the tofu. Prehe�t the oven to 425 F. Cube the pressed tofu (see notes) �nd pl�ce �n � bowl. M�x w�th the rest of the tofu �ngred�ents then pl�ce the p�eces on � p�rchment p�per or s�l�cone m�t-l�ned b�k�ng tr�y. B�ke the tofu for 15-20 m�nutes, fl�p �nd b�ke �nother 10-20 m�nutes unt�l �t�s brown �nd puffy.
2. M�ke the c�bb�ge r�ce. Remove the outer le�ves of the c�bb�ge, sl�ce �n h�lf then chop �nto chunks. Add the chunks to � food processor �nd pulse � few t�mes unt�l the c�bb�ge h�s the cons�stency of r�ce. Altern�t�vely, you c�n just f�nely chop or shred the c�bb�ge us�ng � m�ndol�n. Add the �r�ced� c�bb�ge to � l�rge sk�llet w�th the rest of the c�bb�ge r�ce �ngred�ents �nd cook over h�gh unt�l unt�l tender �nd brown, �bout 6-10 m�nutes. M�x �t well to st�rt, then only m�x every couple m�nutes so �t c�n st�rt to brown on the bottom.
3. M�ke the s�uce. Wh�sk the s�uce �ngred�ents together �n � bowl or cont��ner unt�l smooth �nd cre�my.
4. Assemble the bowls. To �ssemble the bowls, st�rt w�th � b�g scoop of c�bb�ge r�ce then �dd the k�le, broccol�, �voc�do �nd tofu, then top w�th the s�uce. Leftovers c�n be p�cked up �nd�v�du�lly or �ssembled �n cont��ners, re�dy for your next me�l.
Read More this full recipes at Low-Carb Vegan Dinner Bowl Recipe
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