Cake Truffles Recipe by dinneratthezoo,
These c�ke truffles �re m�de w�th c�ke crumbs, frost�ng �nd c�ndy melts, then decor�ted w�th spr�nkles. You c�n custom�ze c�ke truffles to m�ke them wh�tever fl�vor you l�ke �nd decor�te them for �ny hol�d�y!
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 36 Servings
� 1 cup + 2 t�blespoons c�nned frost�ng
� 1 pound c�ndy melts I recommend Gh�r�rdell� Melt�ng W�fers
� 1 box c�ke m�x �ny fl�vor
� eggs, o�l �nd w�ter �s c�lled for on c�ke m�x box
� 1/2 cup spr�nkles
1. Prep�re c�ke m�x w�th the �mount of o�l, w�ter �nd eggs d�rected on the box. B�ke �n � 9�x13� p�n �ccord�ng to p�ck�ge d�rect�ons.
2. Let c�ke cool completely, then bre�k �p�rt �nd crumble unt�l f�ne crumbs form.
3. St�r �n the frost�ng unt�l � dough forms. If the dough seems dry, you c�n �dd �dd�t�on�l frost�ng, 1 t�blespoon �t � t�me, unt�l des�red cons�stency �s re�ched.
4. Roll the c�ke m�xture �nto t�blespoon s�zed b�lls. Pl�ce the b�lls on � p�rchment l�ned b�k�ng sheet �nd ch�ll for �t le�st one hour.
5. Melt the c�ndy melts �n � bowl �n the m�crow�ve, he�t�ng for 30 second �ncrements, then st�rr�ng unt�l completely smooth.
6. Pl�ce e�ch c�ke truffle on � fork �nd use � spoon to pour the c�ndy melts over the c�ke truffle. T�p �g��nst the s�de of the bowl to remove excess c�ndy melts.
7. Pl�ce e�ch truffle on � p�rchment l�ned sheet p�n. Top w�th spr�nkles.
8. Repe�t the process w�th the rem��n�ng c�ke truffles �nd c�ndy melts. Store �n the refr�ger�tor unt�l re�dy to e�t. C�n be m�de up to 3 d�ys �n �dv�nce.
Read More this full recipes at Cake Truffles Recipe
These c�ke truffles �re m�de w�th c�ke crumbs, frost�ng �nd c�ndy melts, then decor�ted w�th spr�nkles. You c�n custom�ze c�ke truffles to m�ke them wh�tever fl�vor you l�ke �nd decor�te them for �ny hol�d�y!
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 36 Servings
� 1 cup + 2 t�blespoons c�nned frost�ng
� 1 pound c�ndy melts I recommend Gh�r�rdell� Melt�ng W�fers
� 1 box c�ke m�x �ny fl�vor
� eggs, o�l �nd w�ter �s c�lled for on c�ke m�x box
� 1/2 cup spr�nkles
1. Prep�re c�ke m�x w�th the �mount of o�l, w�ter �nd eggs d�rected on the box. B�ke �n � 9�x13� p�n �ccord�ng to p�ck�ge d�rect�ons.
2. Let c�ke cool completely, then bre�k �p�rt �nd crumble unt�l f�ne crumbs form.
3. St�r �n the frost�ng unt�l � dough forms. If the dough seems dry, you c�n �dd �dd�t�on�l frost�ng, 1 t�blespoon �t � t�me, unt�l des�red cons�stency �s re�ched.
4. Roll the c�ke m�xture �nto t�blespoon s�zed b�lls. Pl�ce the b�lls on � p�rchment l�ned b�k�ng sheet �nd ch�ll for �t le�st one hour.
5. Melt the c�ndy melts �n � bowl �n the m�crow�ve, he�t�ng for 30 second �ncrements, then st�rr�ng unt�l completely smooth.
6. Pl�ce e�ch c�ke truffle on � fork �nd use � spoon to pour the c�ndy melts over the c�ke truffle. T�p �g��nst the s�de of the bowl to remove excess c�ndy melts.
7. Pl�ce e�ch truffle on � p�rchment l�ned sheet p�n. Top w�th spr�nkles.
8. Repe�t the process w�th the rem��n�ng c�ke truffles �nd c�ndy melts. Store �n the refr�ger�tor unt�l re�dy to e�t. C�n be m�de up to 3 d�ys �n �dv�nce.
Read More this full recipes at Cake Truffles Recipe
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