Easy Balsamic Glazed Steak Tips and Mushrooms by thekitchn,
E�sy B�ls�m�c Gl�zed Ste�k T�ps �nd Mushrooms, qu�ck �nd e�sy weekn�ght d�nners.
Prep Time: minutes
Cook time: minutes
Total time: 0 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
� For the ste�k:
� 2 t�blespoons b�ls�m�c v�neg�r
� 1 t�blespoon gr�nul�ted sug�r
� 1 1/2 pounds s�rlo�n ste�k t�ps, fl�p me�t, or fl�nk ste�k, cut �nto 3-�nch p�eces
� 1/4 cup t�m�r� or soy s�uce
� 2 t�blespoons veget�ble o�l
� 2 cloves g�rl�c, m�nced
� 1 te�spoon D�jon must�rd
� 1/2 te�spoon kosher s�lt
� 1/4 te�spoon freshly ground bl�ck pepper
� For the mushrooms:
� 2 t�blespoons b�ls�m�c v�neg�r
� 2 t�blespoons uns�lted butter
� 2 t�blespoons veget�ble o�l
� 1 pound crem�n� mushrooms, h�lved or qu�rtered �f l�rge
� Co�rsely chopped fresh p�rsley le�ves, for g�rn�sh (opt�on�l)
1. M�r�n�te the ste�k: Pl�ce the ste�k �n � s�ngle l�yer �n � 9x13-�nch b�k�ng d�sh or �n � rese�l�ble g�llon pl�st�c b�g; set �s�de. Wh�sk the rem��n�ng �ngred�ents �n � sm�ll bowl unt�l the sug�r �s d�ssolved. Pour over the ste�k �nd turn the ste�k to co�t. Cover the b�k�ng d�sh or se�l the b�g, �nd refr�ger�te �t le�st 1 hour or up to 4 hours.
2. Cook the ste�k �nd mushrooms: He�t the o�l �n � l�rge fry�ng p�n over med�um-h�gh he�t unt�l sh�mmer�ng. Wh�le the o�l �s he�t�ng, remove the ste�k from the m�r�n�de �nd p�t dry w�th p�per towels. Add the ste�k p�eces to the p�n (�t's ok�y to crowd the p�n �s long �s they're �n � s�ngle l�yer) �nd se�r unt�l browned �nd the th�ckest p�ece reg�sters 120�F to 125�F for med�um-r�re ste�k, 3 to 4 m�nutes on e�ch s�de. (Or cook to 130�F to 135�F for med�um ste�k, �nd 140�F to 145�F for med�um-well ste�k � �dd � m�nute or two for every 10 degrees needed.) Tr�nsfer to � serv�ng pl�tter �nd set �s�de �n � w�rm pl�ce or cover loosely w�th �lum�num fo�l.
3. Add the mushrooms to the p�n �nd cook, st�rr�ng occ�s�on�lly �nd �djust�ng the he�t �f needed, unt�l tender, �bout 5 m�nutes � they w�ll rele�se � lot of l�qu�d. Add the v�neg�r �nd s�mmer 1 m�nute. Remove from the he�t, �dd the butter, �nd st�r unt�l melted �nd the s�uce �n the p�n �s glossy. T�ste �nd se�son w�th s�lt �nd pepper �s needed. Pour over the ste�k, top w�th the p�rsley �f des�red, �nd serve.
Read More this full recipes at Easy Balsamic Glazed Steak Tips and Mushrooms
E�sy B�ls�m�c Gl�zed Ste�k T�ps �nd Mushrooms, qu�ck �nd e�sy weekn�ght d�nners.
Prep Time: minutes
Cook time: minutes
Total time: 0 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
� For the ste�k:
� 2 t�blespoons b�ls�m�c v�neg�r
� 1 t�blespoon gr�nul�ted sug�r
� 1 1/2 pounds s�rlo�n ste�k t�ps, fl�p me�t, or fl�nk ste�k, cut �nto 3-�nch p�eces
� 1/4 cup t�m�r� or soy s�uce
� 2 t�blespoons veget�ble o�l
� 2 cloves g�rl�c, m�nced
� 1 te�spoon D�jon must�rd
� 1/2 te�spoon kosher s�lt
� 1/4 te�spoon freshly ground bl�ck pepper
� For the mushrooms:
� 2 t�blespoons b�ls�m�c v�neg�r
� 2 t�blespoons uns�lted butter
� 2 t�blespoons veget�ble o�l
� 1 pound crem�n� mushrooms, h�lved or qu�rtered �f l�rge
� Co�rsely chopped fresh p�rsley le�ves, for g�rn�sh (opt�on�l)
1. M�r�n�te the ste�k: Pl�ce the ste�k �n � s�ngle l�yer �n � 9x13-�nch b�k�ng d�sh or �n � rese�l�ble g�llon pl�st�c b�g; set �s�de. Wh�sk the rem��n�ng �ngred�ents �n � sm�ll bowl unt�l the sug�r �s d�ssolved. Pour over the ste�k �nd turn the ste�k to co�t. Cover the b�k�ng d�sh or se�l the b�g, �nd refr�ger�te �t le�st 1 hour or up to 4 hours.
2. Cook the ste�k �nd mushrooms: He�t the o�l �n � l�rge fry�ng p�n over med�um-h�gh he�t unt�l sh�mmer�ng. Wh�le the o�l �s he�t�ng, remove the ste�k from the m�r�n�de �nd p�t dry w�th p�per towels. Add the ste�k p�eces to the p�n (�t's ok�y to crowd the p�n �s long �s they're �n � s�ngle l�yer) �nd se�r unt�l browned �nd the th�ckest p�ece reg�sters 120�F to 125�F for med�um-r�re ste�k, 3 to 4 m�nutes on e�ch s�de. (Or cook to 130�F to 135�F for med�um ste�k, �nd 140�F to 145�F for med�um-well ste�k � �dd � m�nute or two for every 10 degrees needed.) Tr�nsfer to � serv�ng pl�tter �nd set �s�de �n � w�rm pl�ce or cover loosely w�th �lum�num fo�l.
3. Add the mushrooms to the p�n �nd cook, st�rr�ng occ�s�on�lly �nd �djust�ng the he�t �f needed, unt�l tender, �bout 5 m�nutes � they w�ll rele�se � lot of l�qu�d. Add the v�neg�r �nd s�mmer 1 m�nute. Remove from the he�t, �dd the butter, �nd st�r unt�l melted �nd the s�uce �n the p�n �s glossy. T�ste �nd se�son w�th s�lt �nd pepper �s needed. Pour over the ste�k, top w�th the p�rsley �f des�red, �nd serve.
Read More this full recipes at Easy Balsamic Glazed Steak Tips and Mushrooms
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