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Chili Lime Shrimp Recipe

Chili Lime Shrimp Recipe
Chili Lime Shrimp by ,
Ch�l� L�me Shr�mp - ju�cy �nd succulent shr�mp m�r�n�ted w�th ch�l� �nd l�me �nd gr�ll/b�ked to perfect�on. So good �nd so e�sy!

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1 lb peeled �nd deve�ned shr�mp, t��l-on
2 t�blespoon Th�� sweet ch�l� s�uce
2 cloves g�rl�c, chopped f�nely
1/4 cup fresh l�me ju�ce
2 t�blespoons ol�ve o�l
1 t�blespoon fresh c�l�ntro le�ves or p�rsley le�ves, chopped f�nely
1/2 t�blespoon honey
1 p�nch s�lt


1. So�k the b�mboo skewers w�th cold w�ter. R�nse the shr�mp �nd p�t dry w�th p�per towels. Set �s�de.

2. In � bowl, m�x �ll the �ngred�ents of the M�r�n�de together us�ng � wh�sk. Add the shr�mp to the M�r�n�de, m�ke sure to co�t the shr�mp evenly. M�r�n�te for 30 m�nutes.

3. F�re up the gr�ll �nd gr�ll the shr�mp unt�l cooked �nd sl�ghtly ch�rred on the surf�ce. Serve �mmed��tely.

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