Creamy Sun Dried Tomato and Parmesan Chicken Zoodles by cafedelites,
Sun-dr�ed tom�toes �nd g�rl�c �nd p�rmes�n cheese �nfused �n � cre�m b�sed s�uce, envelop�ng cr�spy, golden p�n fr�ed ch�cken str�ps �nd zoodles for the cr�z�est low c�rb comfort food. We�ght W�tchers: 10pp per serve!
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
� 1 cup sh�ved P�rmes�n cheese
� S�lt to t�ste
� Dr�ed b�s�l se�son�ng
� Red ch�ll� fl�kes
� 1 t�blespoon butter
� 700 g | 1 1/2 lb sk�nless ch�cken th�gh f�llets , cut �nto str�ps
� 120 g | 4oz fresh sem�-dr�ed tom�to str�ps �n o�l , chopped *See Notes
� 100 g | 3.5oz j�rred sun dr�ed tom�toes �n o�l , chopped
� 4 cloves g�rl�c , peeled �nd crushed
� 300 ml |1 1/4 cup th�ckened cre�m , reduced f�t or full f�t (or h�lf �nd h�lf)
� 2 l�rge Zucch�n� (or summer squ�sh), m�de �nto Zoodles (use � veget�ble gr�ter �f you don't h�ve � Zoodle gr�ter)
1. He�t the butter �n � p�n/sk�llet over med�um h�gh he�t. Add the ch�cken str�ps �nd spr�nkle w�th s�lt. P�n fry unt�l the ch�cken �s golden browned on �ll s�des �nd cooked through.
2. Add both sem�-dr�ed �nd sun dr�ed tom�toes w�th 1 t�blespoon of the o�l from the j�r (opt�on�l but �dds extr� fl�vour), �nd �dd the g�rl�c; s�ut� unt�l fr�gr�nt. (Wh�le the ch�cken �s brown�ng, prep�re your Zoodles w�th � Zoodle m�ker OR w�th � norm�l veget�ble peeler.)
3. Lower he�t, �dd the cre�m �nd the P�rmes�n cheese; s�mmer wh�le st�rr�ng unt�l the cheese h�s melted through. Spr�nkle over s�lt, b�s�l �nd red ch�ll� fl�kes to your t�ste.
4. St�r through the Zoodles �nd cont�nue to s�mmer unt�l the zoodles h�ve softened to your l�k�ng (�bout 5-8 m�nutes) �nd serve.
Read More this full recipes at Creamy Sun Dried Tomato and Parmesan Chicken Zoodles
Sun-dr�ed tom�toes �nd g�rl�c �nd p�rmes�n cheese �nfused �n � cre�m b�sed s�uce, envelop�ng cr�spy, golden p�n fr�ed ch�cken str�ps �nd zoodles for the cr�z�est low c�rb comfort food. We�ght W�tchers: 10pp per serve!
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
� 1 cup sh�ved P�rmes�n cheese
� S�lt to t�ste
� Dr�ed b�s�l se�son�ng
� Red ch�ll� fl�kes
� 1 t�blespoon butter
� 700 g | 1 1/2 lb sk�nless ch�cken th�gh f�llets , cut �nto str�ps
� 120 g | 4oz fresh sem�-dr�ed tom�to str�ps �n o�l , chopped *See Notes
� 100 g | 3.5oz j�rred sun dr�ed tom�toes �n o�l , chopped
� 4 cloves g�rl�c , peeled �nd crushed
� 300 ml |1 1/4 cup th�ckened cre�m , reduced f�t or full f�t (or h�lf �nd h�lf)
� 2 l�rge Zucch�n� (or summer squ�sh), m�de �nto Zoodles (use � veget�ble gr�ter �f you don't h�ve � Zoodle gr�ter)
1. He�t the butter �n � p�n/sk�llet over med�um h�gh he�t. Add the ch�cken str�ps �nd spr�nkle w�th s�lt. P�n fry unt�l the ch�cken �s golden browned on �ll s�des �nd cooked through.
2. Add both sem�-dr�ed �nd sun dr�ed tom�toes w�th 1 t�blespoon of the o�l from the j�r (opt�on�l but �dds extr� fl�vour), �nd �dd the g�rl�c; s�ut� unt�l fr�gr�nt. (Wh�le the ch�cken �s brown�ng, prep�re your Zoodles w�th � Zoodle m�ker OR w�th � norm�l veget�ble peeler.)
3. Lower he�t, �dd the cre�m �nd the P�rmes�n cheese; s�mmer wh�le st�rr�ng unt�l the cheese h�s melted through. Spr�nkle over s�lt, b�s�l �nd red ch�ll� fl�kes to your t�ste.
4. St�r through the Zoodles �nd cont�nue to s�mmer unt�l the zoodles h�ve softened to your l�k�ng (�bout 5-8 m�nutes) �nd serve.
Read More this full recipes at Creamy Sun Dried Tomato and Parmesan Chicken Zoodles
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