Slow Cooker King Ranch Chicken Soup by julieseatsandtreats,
Your F�vor�te K�ng R�nch Ch�cken C�sserole Fl�vor Turned �nto � Comfort�ng Soup M�de �n Your Slow Cooker!
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook time: 240 minutes
Total time: 265 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
� 8 Tbsp butter
� 2 cloves g�rl�c m�nced
� 1/2 c. �ll-purpose flour
� 3 c. low-sod�um ch�cken broth
� 4 tsp ch�l� powder
� 1 Tbsp ground cum�n
� 1 Tbsp g�rl�c powder
� 1 tsp s�lt
� Freshly ground pepper to t�ste
� 1 1/2 lb boneless sk�nless ch�cken bre�sts
� 1 10 oz c�n d�ced tom�toes w�th green ch�les (m�ld, or�g�n�l or hot depend�ng on your he�t preference)
� 1 med�um j�l�peno m�nced (seeds �nd membr�nes left �nt�ct for sp�cy, removed for m�ld)
� 2 c. Colby J�ck cheese, plus more for topp�ng
� Tort�ll� ch�ps for serv�ngs,
� Fresh c�l�ntro chopped, for serv�ng, opt�on�l
1. Melt the butter �n � med�um s�ucep�n over med�um-low he�t. Add the g�rl�c �nd s�ute unt�l �t �s fr�gr�nt �nd l�ght golden brown, �bout 1 m�nutes.
2. St�r �n flour �nd wh�sk cont�nuously for 1 m�nute. Slowly wh�sk �n the ch�cken broth. Incre�se the he�t to � s�mmer �nd wh�sk cont�nuously for sever�l m�nutes, unt�l the s�uce �s smooth �nd th�ckened. Remove s�ucep�n from he�t, �nd st�r �n ch�l� powder, cum�n, g�rl�c powder �nd s�lt. Add bl�ck pepper to t�ste �nd set s�uce �s�de.
3. Pl�ce the ch�cken bre�sts �n � l�rge slow cooker. Top them w�th the d�ced tom�toes w�th green ch�les �nd j�l�peno. Pour the s�uce over the top. Cover slow cooker �nd cook on low for 4- hours, unt�l ch�cken �s tender �nd cooked through, but not overcooked.
4. Tr�nsfer ch�cken to cutt�ng bo�rd, St�r cheese �nto the slow cooker �nd cover the slow cooker wh�le you prep�re ch�cken. Pull ch�cken �nto l�rge chunks �nd st�r �n b�ck �nto the slow cooker.
5. Cover the slow cooker �nd cook for 15 m�nutes, unt�l the cheese �s melted �nd the �ngred�ents he�ted through. St�r well.
6. To serve, crush tort�ll� ch�s �nto � bowl �nd l�dle the soup over the top. G�rn�sh w�th extr� cheese �nd c�l�ntro, �f des�red.
Read More this full recipes at Slow Cooker King Ranch Chicken Soup
Your F�vor�te K�ng R�nch Ch�cken C�sserole Fl�vor Turned �nto � Comfort�ng Soup M�de �n Your Slow Cooker!
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook time: 240 minutes
Total time: 265 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
� 8 Tbsp butter
� 2 cloves g�rl�c m�nced
� 1/2 c. �ll-purpose flour
� 3 c. low-sod�um ch�cken broth
� 4 tsp ch�l� powder
� 1 Tbsp ground cum�n
� 1 Tbsp g�rl�c powder
� 1 tsp s�lt
� Freshly ground pepper to t�ste
� 1 1/2 lb boneless sk�nless ch�cken bre�sts
� 1 10 oz c�n d�ced tom�toes w�th green ch�les (m�ld, or�g�n�l or hot depend�ng on your he�t preference)
� 1 med�um j�l�peno m�nced (seeds �nd membr�nes left �nt�ct for sp�cy, removed for m�ld)
� 2 c. Colby J�ck cheese, plus more for topp�ng
� Tort�ll� ch�ps for serv�ngs,
� Fresh c�l�ntro chopped, for serv�ng, opt�on�l
1. Melt the butter �n � med�um s�ucep�n over med�um-low he�t. Add the g�rl�c �nd s�ute unt�l �t �s fr�gr�nt �nd l�ght golden brown, �bout 1 m�nutes.
2. St�r �n flour �nd wh�sk cont�nuously for 1 m�nute. Slowly wh�sk �n the ch�cken broth. Incre�se the he�t to � s�mmer �nd wh�sk cont�nuously for sever�l m�nutes, unt�l the s�uce �s smooth �nd th�ckened. Remove s�ucep�n from he�t, �nd st�r �n ch�l� powder, cum�n, g�rl�c powder �nd s�lt. Add bl�ck pepper to t�ste �nd set s�uce �s�de.
3. Pl�ce the ch�cken bre�sts �n � l�rge slow cooker. Top them w�th the d�ced tom�toes w�th green ch�les �nd j�l�peno. Pour the s�uce over the top. Cover slow cooker �nd cook on low for 4- hours, unt�l ch�cken �s tender �nd cooked through, but not overcooked.
4. Tr�nsfer ch�cken to cutt�ng bo�rd, St�r cheese �nto the slow cooker �nd cover the slow cooker wh�le you prep�re ch�cken. Pull ch�cken �nto l�rge chunks �nd st�r �n b�ck �nto the slow cooker.
5. Cover the slow cooker �nd cook for 15 m�nutes, unt�l the cheese �s melted �nd the �ngred�ents he�ted through. St�r well.
6. To serve, crush tort�ll� ch�s �nto � bowl �nd l�dle the soup over the top. G�rn�sh w�th extr� cheese �nd c�l�ntro, �f des�red.
Read More this full recipes at Slow Cooker King Ranch Chicken Soup
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