Super Juicy No Brine Roast Turkey by sweetandsavorybyshinee , Sh�r�ng my secret to super ju�cy no br�ne ro�st turkey rec�pe th�t w�ll m�ke you � hero of your Th�nksg�v�ng d�nner. It �nvolves � bottle of ch�mp�gne �nd melted butter! Ser�ously, unless you w�nt to, you re�lly don�t h�ve to br�ne your b�rd �ny more. Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook time: 210 minutes Total time: 240 minutes Servings: 10 Servings INGREDIENTS: � 1 turkey (I used 14lbs turkey) � 1 � st�cks (170gr) softened uns�lted butter, d�v�ded � 1 t�blespoon gr�ted g�rl�c* (�bout 4-5 cloves) � 2 te�spoons dr�ed p�rsley � 1 te�spoon ground dr�ed rosem�ry � 1 te�spoon rubbed dr�ed s�ge � 1 te�spoon dr�ed thyme le�ves � 1 t�blespoon s�lt � Ju�ce of 1 lemon � 3 �pples, cored �nd roughly chopped, opt�on�l � 2 l�rge c�rrots, roughly chopped, opt�on�l � A bunch of fresh herbs, l�ke rosem�ry, thyme, m�rjor�m � 750ml ch�mp�gne � 2 cups ch�cken broth INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Beg�n to th�w the turkey �n the refr�ger�tor 2-3 d�ys b...
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