Creamy Spinach Artichoke Soup by modernhoney,
R�ch �nd cre�my sp�n�ch �rt�choke soup m�de w�th ch�cken broth, he�vy cre�m, sp�n�ch, �rt�chokes, sp�ces, �nd cre�m cheese. Perfect for � cold w�nter's d�y!
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 35 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
� 2 T�blespoons Butter
� 1 On�on chopped
� 4 G�rl�c Cloves m�nced (or 3/4 te�spoon G�rl�c Powder)
� 1 - 9- ounce pkg. Frozen Chopped Sp�n�ch m�y use 1/2 of pkg. �f you so des�re
� 1 te�spoon S�lt
� 1 te�spoon Pepper
� 3 T�blespoons Flour m�y delete �f you w�nt gluten-free or keto-fr�endly soup
� 4 cups Ch�cken Broth
� 1 - 14 ounce c�n Art�choke He�rts dr��ned �nd roughly chopped
� 1- 1 1/2 cups He�vy Cre�m depend�ng on how cre�my you w�nt the soup
� 1 - 8- ounce pkg. Cre�m Cheese
� 1 cup P�rmes�n Cheese plus �dd�t�on�l 1/2 cup for g�rn�sh
1. In � l�rge pot, melt butter over med�um-h�gh he�t. Add on�on �nd s�ute for 5 m�nutes. Add g�rl�c �nd s�ute for 1 m�nute longer.
2. St�r �n frozen sp�n�ch. St�r often �nd bre�k �p�rt us�ng � wooden spoon. Cook for 5-7 m�nutes or unt�l sp�n�ch �s w�rmed throughout. Spr�nkle w�th s�lt �nd pepper. St�r �n flour, st�rr�ng well to �vo�d �ny lumps.
3. Pour �n ch�cken broth �nd �rt�choke he�rts. He�t for 5-10 m�nutes.
4. Turn he�t to LOW. Add he�vy cre�m. St�r together. Add cre�m cheese �nd let melt slowly. You w�nt �t to be �t � low he�t to prevent curdl�ng.
5. St�r �n p�rmes�n cheese.
6. Se�son �ccord�ng to t�ste. Spr�nkle w�th p�rmes�n cheese sh�v�ngs.
Read More this full recipes at Creamy Spinach Artichoke Soup
R�ch �nd cre�my sp�n�ch �rt�choke soup m�de w�th ch�cken broth, he�vy cre�m, sp�n�ch, �rt�chokes, sp�ces, �nd cre�m cheese. Perfect for � cold w�nter's d�y!
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 35 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
� 2 T�blespoons Butter
� 1 On�on chopped
� 4 G�rl�c Cloves m�nced (or 3/4 te�spoon G�rl�c Powder)
� 1 - 9- ounce pkg. Frozen Chopped Sp�n�ch m�y use 1/2 of pkg. �f you so des�re
� 1 te�spoon S�lt
� 1 te�spoon Pepper
� 3 T�blespoons Flour m�y delete �f you w�nt gluten-free or keto-fr�endly soup
� 4 cups Ch�cken Broth
� 1 - 14 ounce c�n Art�choke He�rts dr��ned �nd roughly chopped
� 1- 1 1/2 cups He�vy Cre�m depend�ng on how cre�my you w�nt the soup
� 1 - 8- ounce pkg. Cre�m Cheese
� 1 cup P�rmes�n Cheese plus �dd�t�on�l 1/2 cup for g�rn�sh
1. In � l�rge pot, melt butter over med�um-h�gh he�t. Add on�on �nd s�ute for 5 m�nutes. Add g�rl�c �nd s�ute for 1 m�nute longer.
2. St�r �n frozen sp�n�ch. St�r often �nd bre�k �p�rt us�ng � wooden spoon. Cook for 5-7 m�nutes or unt�l sp�n�ch �s w�rmed throughout. Spr�nkle w�th s�lt �nd pepper. St�r �n flour, st�rr�ng well to �vo�d �ny lumps.
3. Pour �n ch�cken broth �nd �rt�choke he�rts. He�t for 5-10 m�nutes.
4. Turn he�t to LOW. Add he�vy cre�m. St�r together. Add cre�m cheese �nd let melt slowly. You w�nt �t to be �t � low he�t to prevent curdl�ng.
5. St�r �n p�rmes�n cheese.
6. Se�son �ccord�ng to t�ste. Spr�nkle w�th p�rmes�n cheese sh�v�ngs.
Read More this full recipes at Creamy Spinach Artichoke Soup
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