Keto Beef Stroganoff Soup (Low Carb-Keto-Diet Recipes) by ketodietapp,
Keto Beef Strog�noff Soup, As the n�me suggests, �t's �d�pted from � tr�d�t�on�l Russ��n stew.
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 40 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
� 2 l�rge beef rump (s�rlo�n) ste�ks (800 g/ 1.76 lb)
� 600 g brown or wh�te mushrooms (1.3 lb)
� 1/4 cup ghee or l�rd (55 g/ 1.9 oz)
� 2 cloves g�rl�c, m�nced
� 1 med�um wh�te or brown on�on, chopped (110 g/ 3.9 oz)
� 5 cups bone broth or ch�cken stock or veget�ble stock (1.2 l/ qu�rt)
� 2 tsp p�pr�k�
� 1 tbsp D�jon must�rd you c�n m�ke your own
� ju�ce from 1 lemon (~ 4 tbsp)
� 1 1/2 cup sour cre�m or he�vy wh�pp�ng cre�m (345 g/ 12.2 oz) - you c�n use p�leo-fr�endly coconut cre�m
� 1/4 cup freshly chopped p�rsley
� 1 tsp s�lt
� 1/4 tsp freshly ground bl�ck pepper
1. Pl�ce the ste�ks �n the freezer �n � s�ngle l�yer for 30-45 m�nutes. Th�s w�ll m�ke �t e�sy to sl�ce the ste�ks �nto th�n str�ps. Me�nwh�le, cle�n �nd sl�ce the mushrooms. When the ste�ks �re re�dy, use � sh�rp kn�fe �nd sl�ce them �s th�n �s you c�n. Se�son w�th some s�lt �nd pepper.
2. Gre�se � l�rge he�vy bottom p�n w�th h�lf of the ghee. Once hot, �dd the beef sl�ces �n � s�ngle l�yer - do not overcrowd the p�n. Qu�ckly fry over � med�um-h�gh he�t unt�l browned from �ll s�des. Remove the sl�ces from the p�n �nd pl�ce �n � bowl. Set �s�de for l�ter. Repe�t for the rem��n�ng sl�ces.
3. Gre�se the p�n w�th the rem��n�ng ghee. Pl�ce the chopped on�on �nd m�nced g�rl�c �n the p�n �nd cook unt�l l�ghtly browned �nd fr�gr�nt, for �bout 2-3 m�nutes. Add the sl�ced mushrooms �nd cook for 3-4 more m�nutes wh�le st�rr�ng occ�s�on�lly.
4. Add D�jon must�rd, p�pr�k�, �nd pour �n the bone broth. Add lemon ju�ce �nd br�ng to � bo�l. Cook for 2-3 m�nutes. Add the browned beef sl�ces �nd sour cre�m. T�ke off the he�t.
5. If us�ng � th�ckener, �dd to the pot �nd st�r well. F�n�lly, �dd freshly chopped p�rsley. E�t hot w�th � sl�ce of to�sted Keto Bre�d or let �t cool down �nd store �n the fr�dge for up to 5 d�ys.
6. Enjoy!
Read More this full recipes at Keto Beef Stroganoff Soup (Low Carb-Keto-Diet Recipes)
Keto Beef Strog�noff Soup, As the n�me suggests, �t's �d�pted from � tr�d�t�on�l Russ��n stew.
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 40 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
� 2 l�rge beef rump (s�rlo�n) ste�ks (800 g/ 1.76 lb)
� 600 g brown or wh�te mushrooms (1.3 lb)
� 1/4 cup ghee or l�rd (55 g/ 1.9 oz)
� 2 cloves g�rl�c, m�nced
� 1 med�um wh�te or brown on�on, chopped (110 g/ 3.9 oz)
� 5 cups bone broth or ch�cken stock or veget�ble stock (1.2 l/ qu�rt)
� 2 tsp p�pr�k�
� 1 tbsp D�jon must�rd you c�n m�ke your own
� ju�ce from 1 lemon (~ 4 tbsp)
� 1 1/2 cup sour cre�m or he�vy wh�pp�ng cre�m (345 g/ 12.2 oz) - you c�n use p�leo-fr�endly coconut cre�m
� 1/4 cup freshly chopped p�rsley
� 1 tsp s�lt
� 1/4 tsp freshly ground bl�ck pepper
1. Pl�ce the ste�ks �n the freezer �n � s�ngle l�yer for 30-45 m�nutes. Th�s w�ll m�ke �t e�sy to sl�ce the ste�ks �nto th�n str�ps. Me�nwh�le, cle�n �nd sl�ce the mushrooms. When the ste�ks �re re�dy, use � sh�rp kn�fe �nd sl�ce them �s th�n �s you c�n. Se�son w�th some s�lt �nd pepper.
2. Gre�se � l�rge he�vy bottom p�n w�th h�lf of the ghee. Once hot, �dd the beef sl�ces �n � s�ngle l�yer - do not overcrowd the p�n. Qu�ckly fry over � med�um-h�gh he�t unt�l browned from �ll s�des. Remove the sl�ces from the p�n �nd pl�ce �n � bowl. Set �s�de for l�ter. Repe�t for the rem��n�ng sl�ces.
3. Gre�se the p�n w�th the rem��n�ng ghee. Pl�ce the chopped on�on �nd m�nced g�rl�c �n the p�n �nd cook unt�l l�ghtly browned �nd fr�gr�nt, for �bout 2-3 m�nutes. Add the sl�ced mushrooms �nd cook for 3-4 more m�nutes wh�le st�rr�ng occ�s�on�lly.
4. Add D�jon must�rd, p�pr�k�, �nd pour �n the bone broth. Add lemon ju�ce �nd br�ng to � bo�l. Cook for 2-3 m�nutes. Add the browned beef sl�ces �nd sour cre�m. T�ke off the he�t.
5. If us�ng � th�ckener, �dd to the pot �nd st�r well. F�n�lly, �dd freshly chopped p�rsley. E�t hot w�th � sl�ce of to�sted Keto Bre�d or let �t cool down �nd store �n the fr�dge for up to 5 d�ys.
6. Enjoy!
Read More this full recipes at Keto Beef Stroganoff Soup (Low Carb-Keto-Diet Recipes)
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